Friday, March 18, 2005

Get Ready for New Gather Song - Introduced in LA Conference

From the writers of Gather Us In comes a new song just in time for the scism of the Anglican Church over the issue of homosexuality. A song that explicitly refers to sexual orientation in a opening mass song. Now I know when God created us in his image, 'male and female He created them.' My Bible is missing the 'gay and straight He created them.' "Not that it matters." It is just sad to see the introdution of sexual orientation wars in our Liturgy, when we have not concluded the gender wars. In this way the Liturgy becomes a battleground for societal ideology, not the worship "through which the work of our redemption is accomplished," as SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM points out. Now we have to be nice to people no matter what they think are, but we don't have insinuate these debates into the liturgy.

The song is as follows. See other posts following for the pictures of the text from the LA Conference handout.

"Come, all you weary ones, who walk the journey
know that you are wecome at the table of the Lord!
Come bring your burdens here, find love and mercy
With Christ before us, we gather as his friends.

Come, all who struggle hard, all who are hopeful
know that you are wecome at the table of the Lord!
Come with your tired hears, come, find new passion
with Christ within us, we find new life again


Come, all you single ones, divorced and married
know that you are wecome at the table of the Lord!
Come, you who lost your spouse, all who are lonely.
With Christ our brother, we are loved and made whole.

Comee, all you young and old, all male and female,
know that you are wecome at the table of the Lord!
Come, now, all gay and straight, it does not matter
With Christ, all people are one, in God's name."

Copyright 2005 David Haas Published by GIA Publications.

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